- Office Tel: 888-908-3841
- Surrey: 604-562-8140
- We are open: Mn-Fr: 10 am-6 pm
Just a quick video explaining what happens when you enter USA with a charge pending but no conviction. www.usentrywaiverservices.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwinX6-p3j0
Well now you have the official verification. Homeland Security definitely tracks people by their cell phones. Our #usentrywaiver clients will not be happy about this intrusion into their privacy. www.usentrywaiverservices.com https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/dhs-spent-millions-cellphone-data-track-americans-foreigners-us-says-a-rcna38684
Just a public service announcement exposing some of the us entry waiver scams that a number US immigration lawyers have engaged in. Otherwise known as buyer beware. Call us now so that you
This video is about a client’s relative that got ripped off by a discount waiver company. They got him a September Letter for an offence that never even required a US Entry Waiver.