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Ink And Roll Fingerprinting Near Me

What makes us stand apart from the crowd of similar businesses are the stringent administrative practices that we use on a daily basis. We do not flout any government information or rule to capture your RCMP-endorsed fingerprints. The ultimate goal is for you to receive your RCMP criminal check certificate. In short, we do not adopt shortcuts or compromise our ethics even in the most complex of cases. In fact, we thrive on challenges and every multifaceted case is always welcome.

At U.S Entry Waiver Services, our affiliate has the necessary experience, tools, and manpower to process fingerprinting services, like ink and roll, on a standard C-216c form. They are also equipped to process the same on other forms such as FBI fingerprint cards. Criminal record check has never been so easy and hassle-free. They have been in this industry for going on 20 years now and are well known in a positive way here in the Surrey BC community. They are part of our team and satisfy all of our fingerprinting needs.

But why use a service that offers ink and roll fingerprinting near me?

In this digital age, why would one even think about messing up fingers and palms using ink? Some people will say that it is simply unthinkable. However, there are situations where the traditional paper form of fingerprinting overrides everything else. Mentioned below are some of those scenarios. 

One scenario is that the RCMP requires that all US Entry Waiver applicants need to have their digital fingerprint images captured in order for them to issue a fingerprint check. However, some private agencies may not have the digital equipment to facilitate this task. The simple answer is to capture their images using a service that offers ink and roll fingerprinting near me. 

Thus the images are initially captured using this method. However, these same images can then be converted to a digital format and thus sent as such to the Ottawa RCMP.

Ink and Roll Fingerprinting Near Me

One of the common requests for ink and roll type fingerprinting near me comes from foreign police/law enforcement agencies.

Some of the extremely security-conscious places such as space and intelligence agencies demand ink and roll fingerprinting. It makes sense because these fields are highly sensitive and any kind of digital error could lead to catastrophe.

There are cases where the concerned individual’s fingerprints simply do not offer a solid impression. It could be a birth defect, accident, or the way the fingers have developed. However, you can rest assured that the fingerprint techs at will find a way to resolve the situation. You can easily locate them if you google “ink and roll fingerprinting near me.”

Once the print file or card is submitted to the relevant agency (Typically police) and jurisdiction, the same is then compared with other records. In case you have no criminal record your certificate will mention this and you will get a clean report. However, in case it matches with one of the records in the database then the details mentioned in that record will find their way onto your certificate. 

If there has been a mistake, and if you feel you have been incorrectly tied up with an offence you never committed, then our certified staff members will take up the case and get it rectified.

Remember, sometimes a paper-based fingerprint submission is submitted to foreign agencies and police departments, the FBI being one of those entities. In case you have questions we strongly suggest you set up an appointment with us. Contact us so that we can resolve your USA border crossing issue.

US Entry Waiver 2024 – US Waiver Application for Canadians.

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